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Employees' rights and obligations
It is important to know about your rights and obligations related to your employment. Here you will find important and relevant information.
- Norwegian law applies to all employees, Norwegians, and non-Norwegians.
- You need a residence permit in order to work in Norway.
- If you are you a posted worker, you need a residence permit if your stay exceeds 3 months.
- All workers are entitled to a written employment contract.
- Everyone who performs work on construction sites or who fully or partially offers cleaning services is required to equip all employees with HSE cards (HMS-kort).
- Employers must take out occupational injury insurance (yrkesskadeforsikring) for their employees. Some insurance policies may be mandatory based on the sector in which you operate.
- When an employer provides living quarters for its workers, certain requirements apply to the accommodation.
- All risk assessment and work instructions should be given in a language you understand.
- You are employed (ansatt) in a Norwegian undertaking.
- You have been posted (utsendt) to Norway by your employer on a work assignment.
- You work for a temporary-work agency/recruitment agency (vikarbyrå).
- You are self-employed and have registered a sole proprietorship (enkeltpersonforetak/ENK).
- 9 hours within 24 hours (normal working day).
- 40 hours in 7 days (normal work week).
- Unless the nature of the work makes it necessary – Sunday is not a working day.
It is common to agree that the wages be paid once a month.
Wages must be paid directly into your account.
Minimum hourly wage (minstelønn)
There is no general minimum wage in Norway, but in certain sectors, including certain parts of the construction sector, minimum wages have been introduced.
Minimum hourly wage, from 15 June 2023:
- Skilled workers: NOK 238.30
- Unskilled workers with no work experience: NOK 90
- Unskilled workers with at least one year’s work experience: NOK 223.80
- Workers under 18 years of age: NOK 146.50
Payslip (lønnsslipp)
Your employer shall provide you with a payslip that shows your gross salary, tax deductions and other deductions made from your gross salary.
Tax deduction card (skattekort)
Everyone who works in Norway must have a tax deduction card. A tax deduction card lets your employer know how much tax to deduct from your salary.
There are two ways of paying tax: PAYE (Pay As You Earn) for foreign workers - The Norwegian Tax Administration (skatteetaten.no)
If your employer fails to pay you
If your employer does not pay you must contact them immediately orally, then in writing. If there is no response, contact your trade union or a lawyer / legal adviser. Document your claim with your employment contract, timesheets, payslips and/or any other similar documentation.
You also have a duty to help ensure that the workplace has safe and justifiable working conditions. General trust between you and your employer, cooperation and mutual respect in the workplace is fundamental.